Maus: A Survivor's Tale
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Image via Wikipedia
Maus: A Survivor's Tale Volume I: My Father Bleeds History
By Art Spiegelman, 1986Graphic novel, from the library
You should know
As I said in my last entry, I’m not a big comic book fan. However, I had been hoping to expand my horizons by reading both more ground-breaking graphic novels and more Pulitzer winners. I saw this on the shelf at my local library, and had to check it out.So?
Well, it made me want to read Volume IISpeigelman’s art is moving and telling – it’s fairly well-known that Jews are portrayed as mice and Nazis as cats (hence the title). In addition, Poles are pigs and Americans are dogs. I haven’t seen any notes on the thought process behind these anthropomorphizations, though.
Personally, I like how Spiegelman draws a weeping mouse. The inverted triangle with the gaping mouth says a lot with a very simple picture.
It’s a depressing story, obviously, chock full of violence, profanity to a lesser degree, and just a smidge of sex. It also talks about topics like depression and suicide. In other words, it’s not for kids – don’t let the comic book packaging fool you.
A must-readThe Diary of Anne Frank, Night by Elie Weisel, Schindler’s List -- the whole point is that we’re supposed to remember, especially as those who do are dying off. Now, this is not a case of “How can you pan a holocaust book?!” While I enjoyed Lois Lowry’s Number the Stars and Judy Blume’s Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself, and would recommend them to kids, I don’t rank them with the above works. Maus I do.
The rest of the Internet
NPR did a story on Spiegelman and Maus.The Village Voice has a few thoughts about Spiegelman.
Bil the Man at Rambling Thoughts of the Prof Bil the Man reviews the book.